Academic Resources For School Students

Private Tutoring

If you are searching for a private tutor, please post your information with Harvey Mudd’s Office of Career Services by calling 909.621.8091 or emailing Current Harvey Mudd students can view these listings and then contact you directly. Career services will likely want a bit more info, such as the subject(s) and general rate of pay.

Academic Enrichment Programs

If you are interested in preparing now for post-secondary studies, we encourage you to take a look at the programs below. All programs offer services to prepare you for college. Please visit the following websites to determine what services are provided and what the eligibility criteria are, if any.

Mathematics and Science

The following website resources were recommended by Harvey Mudd tutors, local teachers and librarians.

All-Inclusive Math and Science

Algebra (alg1, alg2 and pre-alg)


Elementary Math

General Mathematics

General Sciences


  • StatTrek (AP stats and more, tutorials, timed practice AP exam)