Does your family speak Spanish? Because mine does…

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Hi, everyone!

You already know (at least you would if you had read the little bio below my picture on the right) that I graduated from Harvey Mudd in 2010. What I haven’t shared with you is that I didn’t grow up in the United States, but actually all over Latin America (the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Chile, Panama). My parents were very supportive when I decided I would be applying to American colleges, but having had grown up in Nicaragua, they had no real understanding of what my “college process” would entail, and the fact that my parents don’t speak English did not help.They came with me on campus visits, they read the websites of the schools that I was interested in, but as you can imagine, none of this was particularly helpful in answering the many questions they had as their only daughter moved overseas.

I know that this situation is not unique to my family. Every year we see many applicants for whom Spanish is the primary language spoken at home. So, here’s the deal: I made a video about HMC in Spanish!

[hmc-video id=”40NiTjlxjGo” title=”Harvey Mudd en español”]

The video runs almost 25 minutes and presents general facts about HMC, as well as information on our academic program, student life and support systems, admission and financial aid processes, and graduate outcomes. You won’t get to see my face (the video shows a presentation that summarizes all the information I go over), but my hope is that you will share this with any family members (be it mom, dad, grandma, siblings, others) that are curious about Harvey Mudd and would benefit from accessing this information in Spanish. I hope this will aid some of you as you continue to engage in your college process.

If someone in your family has questions and would feel more comfortable asking them in Spanish, please have them shoot me an email (